Saturday, August 22, 2009

Ups and Downs

I started this hitch like I ended the last, in the Bob Marshall Wilderness. The sweeping solitude satisfied my senses, and seeing sweet structures like this stopped me in my steps.

Badger Pass was the first of the hitch and seeing far into the Bob made me feel like a small speck on this beautiful planet.

A great view up Tubby Creek valley.

After 14 days in the Bob I finally made it back to Glacier. I thought I felt small on top of Badger Pass, then I got to Redgap Pass and Ahern Glacier doubled that feeling.

Ahern Glacier towers above everything, with Helen Lake and Lake Elizabeth settled into the cirque valley.

The sun setting very slowly at the foot of Lake Elizabeth made the mountains burn brightly in the remaining sunlight.

I thought nothing could beat Climbing over Radgap Pass, but making my way towards Stoney Indian Pass soon changed my mind, as you'll see.

Stoney Indian Pass consisted of hiking past numerous waterfalls through fields of flowers and huckleberry patches.

The view from Stoney looking east down Glens Valley. Absolutely gorgeous.

STONEY INDIAN PASS!!! The best place on Earth!

Finally reaching the top of the pass, I looked straight down on Stoney Indian Lake.

The beautiful sunny skies left me after Stoney, but the clouds bring there own elegance. I camped in the trees right where the mist is hanging.

Swiftcurrent Pass, number 4 in 5 days. Great hitch, great views, great times. Glacier rules!