Hello all and welcome to another chapter in the life of me. Yes it can be scary, if not frightening at times, but bear (no pun intended) with me and we can explore some amazing places together. Since we last talked I had a wonderful visit from two Colorado natives, Phillip Pierce and Justin Kerr, which was a welcomed event, being that I hadn't seen either of them in over six months. Of course they brought rainy CO weather with them and our plans had to be amended according, but we did make it on a beautiful hike to Numa Lookout on their last day here in Glacier. The view down to Bowman Lake was spectacular.

And yes, the mosquitoes are really nasty up here.

I started my "hitch" the day they had to leave, nine days ago. Thankfully Phil and Justin took all the bad weather with them and I didn't see any clouds since they left. Three days in Many Glacier packed in Many surprises (pun intended). This Moose was the highlight.

A few hours drive into Canada took us to Waterton National Park which is part of the Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park. A gorgeous boat ride south on the Waterton Lake transported us back into the USA to an area named Goat Haunt. The name does not come from the evil goat spirits that reside in the region, but is actually an English word meaning haven, or so I'm told. This is where we encountered this adult black bear. The picture is a little blurry, sorry, but he was coming straight at us and I didn't really have time to focus. He huffed and puffed, but walked out of our path and continued in the other direction. It's easy to froget, walking on well maintained trails all day, that Glacier is still very wild and dangerous, but this guy just wanted to get on his way with no trouble, as did we.

After five beautful days around Goat Haunt, we took the boat ride back to Canada, then drove back into the USA to Saint Mary Lake. We spent one day hiking in this unbelievable valley, then headed back to West Glacier for some much needed R and R, but this sight will always stay in my mind.

Hope your days are filled with a little excitment, danger, pain and bliss as mine are, because life aint worth living unless all these are combined in equal portions.
Much Love,